While a gym has every exercise machine you might need for a full-body workout, it may not be a great fit for everyone. Some people don’t like going to the gym ...
Ever wondered why milk was our first food and has always been a part of the human diet since then? It is a very nutritious liquid formed in the mammary glands ...
What links Jennifer Lopez, Tobey Maguire, and Ellen DeGeneres? The answer is that all three of them follow a vegan diet. If ...
Are you looking for a way to put that vivacity back into your sex life? If you are then this is the perfect time to switch to the right kind of foods that can ...
The most efficient method of losing excessive fats doesn’t involve very low calorie diets, nor does it involve tons of exercises. Human body likes ...
Do you ever feel like your body needs a little extra boost to keep going? Well, guess what - iron and vitamin C are two essential nutrients that can help give ...
75 to 85% of women experience the symptoms of menopause. And guess what? Studies show that meditation effectively controls menopausal ...
We are all aware that breakfast is the most significant meal of the day. Even taking twice your normal lunch ration would never fill its void. Missing ...
Do you want to lose weight and satisfy your taste buds at the same time? It is possible if you are thinking it is not. There are just some sensible changes ...
There are many things in the grocery store that our limited knowledge can identify as health-boosters or Superfoods that have hidden marvels in them. ...
Where it is commonly thought that looking or analyzing oneself in the mirror can cause vanity to develop in one’s personality, research has proven that it can ...
If you cannot figure out what it is that is going wrong in your fitness plan; don’t worry, because this article is going to help you out. Like many people ...
Every woman dreams of having a washboard tummy, however even 200 crunches per day might not get her there. Along with the right kind of exercise she needs ...
If it weren’t for the cravings, staying trimmed or getting fit would have been a lot easier. But the cravings are very much there, and frankly speaking, they ...
Convenience food has brought along a lot of ills with itself, especially in the US and UK where the trend towards this kind of food is exaggerated. Of ...
It is a normal obsession of women to be worried about the shape of their body. With so many perfect-bodied celebs like Scarlet Johansson, and Jeniffer ...
Desserts are big business, a quick look at TV adverts (and supermarket shelves) clearly demonstrates how eager companies are to persuade us that a great meal ...
If you’re looking to change your body composition – whether that means losing fat, gaining muscle, or both – then you need to be doing the right exercises. ...