Eggs are both a delicious and nutritious food that can easily adjust in your per day calories. They're an excellent source of high-quality protein, along with being one of the few natural sources of vitamin D.
Eggs can also be beneficial to your weight loss efforts. In fact, eggs are so good at promoting weight loss that they make up a large part of many popular diets, including Atkins and South Beach.

But how exactly can eating eggs help you drop pounds? Let's look into this question in detail right now.
- Eggs are good for you.
Eggs are a great source of protein, which is important for building muscle and keeping you full.
They're also packed with choline—a vitamin that's crucial for brain health and helps keep your liver healthy too.
As if that weren't enough, eggs are also good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin (key nutrients for eye health), vitamin A (which helps boost immune function), vitamin E (to combat inflammation), B-12 (for energy), folate (for heart health) and minerals like selenium and calcium.
- Eggs keep you fuller for longer.
Eggs are a great source of protein, which can help you feel fuller for longer.
Protein is more filling than carbs and can reduce appetite by up to 50 percent after meals. And since eggs are high in both protein and fat, they’re an excellent choice if you’re looking to lose weight.
- Eggs contain high-quality protein.
Eggs are a good source of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient that your body needs to build, repair and maintain muscle tissue. It's also important for a healthy immune system, metabolism and brain function.
If you're looking to lose weight, eating more protein might be a smart move.
In one study from the United Kingdom, researchers found that people who consumed higher amounts of protein lost more fat than those who didn't eat as much meat or dairy products (the main sources of protein in the diet).

4. Eggs are versatile.
Eggs can be eaten at any meal. They're a great source of protein and can be cooked in just about any way: fried, scrambled, poached, soft-boiled or hard-boiled. The possibilities are endless!
Eggs can also be used in a wide variety of recipes (such as frittatas and omelettes), which means they're good for both simple meals and fancy ones alike.
A healthy diet is the key to weight loss.
To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than you burn. Eating more foods that are high in protein and fat—which includes eggs—can help satisfy hunger so that you don’t feel like snacking on empty calories, but it won't make a difference if you're not also eating less overall.
Keep in mind that weight loss is not just about willpower; rather, it's about finding an approach to food that works for your body and lifestyle.
As long as your diet is balanced and contains the recommended daily amounts of nutrients from all food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains), losing weight should be fairly straightforward: consume fewer calories than your body needs for energy each day.
To achieve this goal, keep track of what you eat with a calorie-counting app or by writing down everything when it comes into contact with your mouth (or both).
Is there any downside of eating eggs?
The only downside to eating eggs? If you're worried about cholesterol levels, eat the yolk! There's no proven link between dietary cholesterol consumption and heart disease risk factors in otherwise healthy people.
Even if you have high cholesterol, the American Heart Association recommends two whole eggs per day as part of an overall healthy diet because they contain so many nutrients other foods don't provide.

It's a matter of how many eggs you eat and how they fit into your overall daily calorie intake.
For example, if you eat 2,000 calories per day and choose to replace one meal with eggs, you'll have 1,200 calories left for the other three meals.
If all of those remaining three meals are low in fat and high in fibre, then it's possible that your body could use some of the protein from those eggs to make muscle. That extra muscle may help you burn more calories throughout the day.
However…if you're eating 2,000 calories per day (or any number of calories) and replacing one meal with eggs every single day of the week—and if all these breakfasts contain large amounts of carbohydrates—then it's possible that your body could start storing more fat than usual after eating so many carbs every morning instead of burning them as energy right away because they come with a lot more energy than an egg does alone!
In short: Eating an egg is a good thing! Just be sure not too many people around here eat omelettes every single morning just because their favourite TV show told them that doing so would help them lose weight fast."
You might be surprised to learn that eating eggs every day can actually be good for you, despite what people might say. Eggs are great sources of protein and other important vitamins, and they can even help prevent heart disease! Not only that, but they're also delicious when cooked up in just about any way imaginable. That's why we recommend giving eggs another try if you've been avoiding them because they're "bad" or "fattening"—they're not either of these things!