Ever had that buzz after a good run or a gym session? That's not just your body thanking you; it's the sheer joy of moving. Whether you're lacing up for a ...
In an increasingly fast-paced and stressful world, the pursuit of health and wellness has never been more important. In the 21st Century, the age-old practice ...
At some point in their lives, even the most dedicated exercise junkies need to take a break. Whether it’s to recover from an injury or deal with a personal ...
Many people around the world have a hard time losing weight. To them, it might seem that they gain a few pounds even if they have a small meal. But, ...
When high-intensity interval training is done along with some extra food intake, it can help in adding pure muscle mass into the body without adding ...
We are all aware that breakfast is the most significant meal of the day. Even taking twice your normal lunch ration would never fill its void. Missing ...
The latest research has brought a lot of change in the fitness scene, so much so that our old concepts of exercise are on the verge of change. If we ...
If you are, and you are wondering where to start, there is no need to worry because this article contains 10 tips by personal trainer Karen Weir on how to get ...
Powerlifting is a sport that is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. Powerlifting requires immense strength and athleticism, and many ...
Adjustable kettlebells may be one of the best inventions in home fitness. Keep reading and we’ll tell you what they are, why you need one and how to buy one. ...
If you’re serious about putting together a home gym, then you need a pull up bar. Ideally, you want a free standing pull up bar. Give us a few minutes of your ...
Wobble boards can be used for anything from gentle rehabilitation to serious workouts. They’re small, light, quiet, affordable and effective. If ...
If you’re serious about putting together a decent home gym, then a mirror is a must. This article will tell you everything you need to know about home ...
Gyms should (hopefully) be opening up again soon. Even so, there’s still a lot to be said for putting together your own home gym. Ideally, it will ...
If you thought vibration plates were a modern gimmick, think again. The idea of harnessing vibrations for health actually dates back to Ancient ...
For years, exercise bikes have been a trusty staple of home fitness. Now, spin bikes have emerged to challenge them. Which is better? That ...
Exercise bikes were popular long before COVID19 struck. When the pandemic hit, they basically flew off the shelves. That shows how much regular ...
If you know you’re in the market for an exercise bike, please head straight down to our exercise bike reviews. If you want to know a bit more about exercise ...